Wednesday, November 16, 2005

and so it is.

ree. says:
i cant wait!
-zooms off to shit


(please don't kill me)

i watched the Tang Quartet today!
not exactly an enthusiast in this genre..
was quite nice (:

clarke quay coffeeshops seem yummyyy
must go explore one day
(and not get lost)

Friends is just too sweeeeeet..
when Chandler proposed to Monica (though i would say they proposed to each other)
was ohmygod.
the portrayal of close-knit friends
being there when it happened, being there when it didnt happen,
happened because of them, didnt happen because of them
just basically through everything!
it gets you crying and laughing.

tings something wrong with the connections just now! phone kept hanging when you called and couldnt asnwer! :( sorry girlll. anyway haunted elizabeth sounds good enough, misssssssssss you.

it's never enough.